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Product #: MN-120

Product Description

Manganese powder is used in the chemcal and ceramic industries, as well as in the production of pyrotechnics, grinding wheels, welding rods, ammunition, and in alloy compositions.

Product Cost

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The pricing for this product is subject to fluctuation based on market rates, therefore real-time pricing is not available. We recommend requesting a quote to receive accurate pricing information, via the quote tool on this page. Our pricing is influenced by multiple factors, and we strive to provide the most precise and up-to-date pricing details to our valued customers.
Quantity (LB) Price
1-2 LB Please Request a Quote
3-10 LB Please Request a Quote
11-25 LB Please Request a Quote
26-100 LB Please Request a Quote
Note: Prices are subject to change without notice due to market conditions

Product Notes

$25.00 minimum order

Can ship by UPS or FedEx

Standard Packaging: 50 lb. pails


Formula 25 Mn 54.938
Purity 99.9%
Particle Size 1" x Down
Schedule B 8111.00.0000
CAS CAS-7439-96-5
Melting Point 1245°C / 2273°F
Boiling Point 2150°C / 3902°F
Density 7.43
Coef. of Expansion @ 20°C 21.7µm/m-k
Crystal Structure Cubic
Electric Resistivity 1.44 µO·m
Composition 99.9% Pure Manganese Pieces




Alloys, Ceramic Material, Chemical Reactions

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